Thank you for choosing our reliable research editing & writing service
Welcome! – Just a Few Simple Steps.
Every academic work is unique but the process is the same. All you need to do is to check whether the range of services we offer caters to your academic or professional needs and then go through our terms of service.
1. Place your Order or Inquiry!
Once you make up your mind to place an order or inquiry, you will need to fill out the order form and submit your work instructions & personal information as well as work attachments. Large files can be sent via email to [email protected]. Once you place your order, you will review it and then proceed to make payment.
2. Order Process & Inquiry Review
If you place an order and have any additional instructions regarding your work, you can send us an email or use our message board or Live Chat to contact our support team. Equally, when we receive an order or an inquiry, our support team will get back to you immediately and accordingly to confirm the order/ inquiry or if we need further details.
3. Work Submission & Optional Reviews

After the successful completion of an order, you can track its progress via email or engage our customer support live chat. We send your work as an email attachment to your email address provided while ordering. It is recommended you keep an eye on both your inbox and spam/junk folders for the delivery email. If the work involves a big file, we share it online via secure file-sharing options. We are aware that work may be sent back to us for reviews and hence, we have a one-month free revisions policy as long as the initial instructions are not changed. This means that we accept to review work but within one month after order submission. Please note that you are not supposed to change instructions from the prior instructions. In such a case, a variance fee is applied accordingly.
Need additional information about our process?
If you have any questions about how we work, please free to contact us or chat with a live support agent.